876 667-5135

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876 807-9914

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About Us

The Greater Portmore Baptist Church was founded in the year 1991 in the home of Martha and Reuben Gordon in 2 East, Greater Portmore, after Jamaica Baptist
Union hosted Evangelistic services in the new Greater Portmore Community,under the theme, “Christ for the Crisis”.

In 1994, the St. Catherine Baptist Association consolidated its ownership of this New Baptist Mission, which was still meeting at the home of the Gordon’s.

In 1995 Bethel Baptist Church in Half Way Tree, sought the consent of the Jamaica Baptist Union to assume responsibility with the view of further establishing the Greater Portmore Baptist witness call and in August 1, 1996, Rev. Michael Shim-Hue was named pastor of the Church.

The Greater Portmore mission was commissioned as a Church on November 3, 1996 and was established at the Annual Jamaica Baptist Union General Assembly
in February 1997 and the Church at establishment had forty-five (45) members. In June 1995, the church, which was first housed at the Gordon’s home, was now

housed at the residence of Miss Marion Shaw (now Mrs. Marion Shaw-Harris), and in that same month, the mission was moved to the Greater Portmore High
School, in 2 East Greater Portmore.

When Rev. Michael Shim-Hue came to the Church as Pastor, the congregation had already been having its Services of Worship at the high school for one year.

As the Church membership grew from 45 to the present number of 276 the ministries/departments and the way we serve the community has intensified with
an emphasis on missionary outreach.